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How much do you know about high-voltage capacitor electrolysis?


Electrolytic capacitor is a kind of capacitor. The metal foil is a positive electrode (aluminum or tantalum). The oxide film (aluminum oxide or Tantalum pentoxide) close to the metal with the positive electrode is a dielectric. The cathode consists of conductive materials, electrolyte (electrolyte can be liquid or solid) and other materials. Since electrolyte is the main part of the cathode, Electrolytic capacitor gets its name. At the same time, the positive and negative of Electrolytic capacitor must not be connected incorrectly. Aluminum electrolytic capacitor can be divided into four categories: lead type Aluminum electrolytic capacitor; Ox horn Aluminum electrolytic capacitor; Bolt type Aluminum electrolytic capacitor; Solid Aluminum electrolytic capacitor.

1High voltage Electrolytic capacitorFunction in the circuit

(1) In transmission lines, the use of high-voltage capacitors can form series compensation stations to improve the transmission capacity of the transmission line.

(2) In large substations, the use of high-voltage capacitors can form a static phase controlled reactor type dynamic reactive power compensation device (SVC) to improve power quality.

(3) At the end of the distribution line, using high-voltage capacitors can improve the power factor at the end of the line and ensure the voltage quality at the end of the line.

(4) High voltage capacitors are installed in the middle and low voltage busbars of the substation to compensate for the reactive power consumed by the load and improve the power factor on the bus side.

(5) In load terminal stations with nonlinear loads, high-voltage capacitors will also be installed for filtering purposes.

2、 Three discharge methods for high-voltage capacitors

The reason for discharging the capacitor is that it will store electricity internally after power outage, so we need to find a way to discharge its charge completely, otherwise electric shock accidents may occur.

Generally, the discharge of a capacitor only requires a short circuit between the positive and negative poles of the capacitor. High voltage capacitors should generally not be directly short circuited for discharge to avoid burning out the capacitor's contacts. (At the same time, the sound can also be chilling) You can choose an appropriate resistor or use a high load electrical appliance such as a desk lamp, soldering iron, or the relevant voltage range of a multimeter to discharge. The time can be slightly longer, and you can also perform this treatment multiple times until the discharge is completed.

Previous Page:Loss, use and life of high-voltage Electrolytic capacitor

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Youchen Technology
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